Name and contact data of the responsible person
Gustav Grolman GmbH & Co. KG
Fuggerstraße 1
41468 Neuss | GERMANY
Tel. +49 (2131) 93 68-01
Fuggerstraße 1
41468 Neuss | GERMANY
Tel. +49 (2131) 93 68-01
Contact data of the Data Protection Officer
fox-on Datenschutz GmbH
Pollerhofstr. 33a
51789 Lindlar | GERMANY
Tel. +49 (2266) 90 15 920
Pollerhofstr. 33a
51789 Lindlar | GERMANY
Tel. +49 (2266) 90 15 920
Purposes for which personal data is processed
We process your data for the following purposes:
- providing content to users
- recognition during later visits
- providing access to protected customer pages
Legal foundation for processing
We process your data for the following purposes:
- art. 6 Para. 1 letter a GDPR
- art. 6 Para. 1 letter c GDPR in association with German TMG
Retention period or criteria for determination of the storage duration
The personal data is stored as long as it is required for the aforementioned purposes and as long as statutory retention periods demand.
Rights of the affected persons
We process your data for the following purposes:
- right of information, art. 15 GDPR
- right of correction, art. 16 GDPR
- right of deletion, art. 17 GDPR
- right of processing restriction, art. 18 GDPR
- right of data portability, art. 20 GDPR
- right of revocation, art. 21 GDPR
in case of consent: Information on the possibility of revocation
You have the right to revoke your granted consent to process data at any time with effect for the future.
Information of right to complain with the supervisory authority
You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority about the way your data is processed.
Indication whether the provision of the data is required by law or by contract
Mandatory fields, for example in web forms, are designated as such. Besides, the information is voluntary.